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The Big WHY. What's yours?

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche

I completely agree with Nietzsche on this one.

More often than not, we hear people complain and talk about their daily problems and issues. That in turn becomes their habit, and they become so engrossed in them, that it paralyzes them. It prevents them from doing their work, their jobs, and their mission. On the other hand, there are some who, even though their days are far more daunting and stressful, seem to breeze through life with such tenacity, fervor and gusto. Their grit is second to none and they could brave through any hardship with out squealing a single complain. Don't you ever wonder why? -- Alright, ask my 'Why'. (Pun definitely intended.)

That's right. You all said it. Its because of their WHY.

Okay, let me delve more into it.

Remember when we were kids and you wanted to get the toy that was promised to you for your birthday? I know I do.

I was 7 then. My dad promised me that he'd get me the G.I. Joe Eliminator Jeep (basically its a truck) that I saw on TV. I had been so persistent in asking him to buy me that for several weeks already. It was going to be my birthday on a couple of weeks. Coincidentally, a week prior to the said day was our exams. Well, my dad had a brilliant plan in mind. He said he would buy me the jeep, including the characters that rode the jeep (there were 4 action figures that were sold separately), if (I actually preferred if it were a when) IF I got a 90+ on my Filipino test.

To cut the story short, I got the jeep I wanted but for a very steep price. Had the test been Math or Science, it would have been better. I was very bad in Filipino (emphasis on the was). I spent the whole weekend studying for the one subject. I even skipped the G.I.Joe weekend marathon I was waiting for that Saturday. I studied really hard for it. No ifs. No buts. Only results.

What am I saying? In life, when you know what your WHY is, when you as yourself why you are doing what you're doing, and the answer to it is iron clad.. and you know who you are doing it for... say your family / loved ones... NO DOUBT! No matter how difficult it is, you will just close your eyes, pray to God to give you what you need and soldier on. I guarantee you, you will do it.

"Know your why, and the how won't even matter." - Roy San Juan

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